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10 top tips for Gardening in June

Loads of our friends ask how we know what to do when in the garden. In these new series of gardening tips posts, each month we will look at the top 10 tips for that particular month. We'll be looking at how to use your flower seeds and vegetable seeds. What to plant out of your gardening gift packs and also some more general gardening tips.

So, in June, what should you be doing?

1. Now’s the time to plant out courgettes, sweetcorn, pumpkins, dwarf, climbing and runner beans.

2. Plant up an old painted bucket with herbs or flowers. Drill drainage holes in the bottom first.

3. Stay ahead of weeds with a regular hoe. It’s good to dig out the perennials ones, such as dandelions, before they produce more seed.

4. Keep watering newly planted plants. Make sure you water directly by the plant’s stem and not the whole of the bare soil, this makes sure that weeds don't get the joy of all the water.

5. Once a week give tomatoes and strawberries an instant boost with a liquid fertiliser.

6. Daffodils can now be cut back. Also dead head early flowering plants, this helps retain the plant’s vigour and with some plants may encourage more flowering.

7. If carrots, beetroot and lettuce seem overcrowded gently pull a few young plants up to allow others to swell. You can eat these baby veg.

8. Keep a close eye on fruit and veg plants: look out for pest outbreaks and watch bean and pea pods swell, then start picking!

9. Have you planted your herbs out yet? Now is the time, ready for some aromatic treats to enjoy over the summer.

10. Plant out your sunflowers and continue your competition - who will have the tallest one by the end of the month?


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